Wednesday, September 28, 2011


"Do all things without complaining and disputing" 

Philippians 2:14

"nor complain, as some of them also complained
and were destroyed by the destroyer." 

1 Corinthians 10:10

I know I should not complain. I have read verses like these many times but always just tried to justify myself. I never saw just how ugly my complaining is and how much it robs me of joy until I was in Uganda. 

I saw children and young adults who despite being in prison, had more joy and love than I have ever experienced in my entire life. 

Running water, Electricity, Health care
For the majority of the world these things are luxuries. 

When I got home I made a list. A list of things I often find myself complaining about. 
This list makes me feel ashamed. Many of the things I complain about are things that so many around the world live without and would be more than happy to have to "deal" with everyday. What a sinful, ugly heart I can have. 

Having to do Laundry. 
I didn't see a washing machine anywhere. Even the nicer guest house we stayed at washed our clothes in buckets and hung them up to dry on a clothes line. Soap isn't even a given either. This would make it even harder to do if you had no running water and had to hike a mile there and back to get water, which is what the kids at M1 have been doing for the last 3 weeks. How hard I work to remember to do laundry and push a button....and I complain. 

The monotony of Cooking dinner every night
Yes this young man is stirring this huge pot of food with a large stick and No it's not easier than it looks. Oh don't forget to add in the 1 mile hike back and forth carrying water to actually cook this meal. Oh how hard I have it with my 20 plus electrical devices I can use to help prepare my food.....

Health care and doctor office wait times / hospitals
I had the privilege of staying with a sick boy over night in the children's ward of a local hospital. Why do you ask? Well, every night all the doctors and all the nurses but 1 leave for the night...yeah.... I think the last time I was in the hospital with one of my children I complained about being bothered too much and the remote for our cable TV not working. Seriously... 

Grocery shopping 
This picture almost sums it up on its own. Not sure how locals could tell what was good or not but I am sure I wouldn't have any idea without my precious "use by _" stickers. I am beyond blessed to be able to easily buy good food for my family. How can I complain...

Nothing cute to wear.
I saw children, many half dressed in clothes that were dirty, ripped or too small. We had a boy ask for a new shirt because his was so dirty and he said he smelled. I throw my kids clothes in the donate pile because they got a stain from lunch. I have a closet and dresser full of clothes. Way more than I could ever need and still I think I need more.... wake up.

Nothing good to eat
The children we visited eat the same thing almost everyday. In the morning they drink their porridge which I have heard described as Cream of Wheat with 3 cups extra water. Then for lunch/dinner (1 meal not 2) they get Posho, a cornmeal like food made with water. If it's a good day they also get beans.  No fruit or vegetables and the entire time I was there with them I never saw them drink anything. I complain if we eat the same thing a couple times in a month... 

{I don't want to forget this. I also don't want to just move on and just be "thankful I have been so blessed ". What I have been given wasn't because I am some how special. I don't believe the Christians in America have been so richly blessed to just stop at being "thankful" and then turn around and use all our resources on our own selves.}

"You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God." 

2 Corinthians 9:11


  1. Thank you Christin for writing this beautiful reminder. As the days pass, I miss everyone more and more.

  2. LOVE this reminder...I have had the same struggles and do not want to forget and move on...we need to catch up soon!

  3. Super post - thank you for the reminder. We are in the very beginning stages of our adoption journey.

  4. Wow...I am so selfish and not so thankful. I really needed to hear this today and every day for that matter. We are spoiled and don't realize it because we are not "rich" like the stars on TV. We are rich...we have God, we have shelter, we have food...we are saved. What more SHOULD we want?

  5. Well said, Sister! I loved when Jonathan said that he has to go on a missions trip every 4 months or so just to keep himself in check. We need reminding of this each and every day! Love you!

  6. OUCH, man. THANK you for the reminder. Excellent.
